Environments for:
Nurturing, Growing, Singing, Dancing, Making Friends, Learning Through Play, Developing Social and Self Help Skills as well as Gross Motor and Fine Motor Skills, Developing Communication Skills (Baby Sign Language and Spoken Language), Encouraging Imagination, Wonder and Joy
Each program enrolls up to 8 children & employs 2 teachers. An RN visits weekly to observe the children and collaborate with staff as needed. Child Assessments are provided 3 times a year.
Teachers observe the children in an effort to understand what they are trying to understand & develop, then offer materials and experiences to extend that exploration. For example, in the photo below you see ductwork and balls that teachers added to the environment because they could tell the children were fascinated with rolling and dropping balls as well as cause and effect. This child led exploration continued for many days as the teachers continued to add opportunities to extend this learning.
As another example, if Toddlers keep climbing on tables & chairs, instead of having power struggles over this behavior, the teachers would simply add a climber to the classroom giving them the opportunity to safely develop this interest & gross motor skill.
Site created by Judy DeLorenzo - Contact for website problems or corrections